
Law concerning making on business of detective industry proper

Outline of law concerning making on business of detective industry proper etc.

* 1. Definition

The one done to define about the detective business, the detective industry, and the detective trader, to receive the request of the news organization entirely, and to supply it for the report is excluded from the detective industry.
* 2. Reasons for disqualification

The person and the gangster, etc. who violated the suspension of business instruction etc. in five years assume not to practice the detective industry recently.
* 3. Written report system

The person who tries to practice the detective industry assumes that it should do the written report of business to the administrative divisions public safety commissioner association that has jurisdiction over the address in the office.
The administrative divisions public safety commissioner association assumes that it should deliver the detective industry written report certificate when there are this written report etc.
(1)When the written notice etc. are submitted to the administrative divisions public safety commissioner association, it is assumed by way of the jurisdiction police chief in the address in the office that lies a written notice etc. concerned.
(2)The written notice of beginning the detective industry is assumed to have to submit it by the day before of the day when it starts beginning the detective industry.
(3)The written notice when there is a change in abolition and the written report matter of the detective industry is assumed to have to submit it within ten days from the day of the reason concerned generation.
* 4. Prohibition of name lending

The person who did the written report of the detective industry assumes not to do the name lending.
* 5. Principle of execution of detective business

When the detective trader etc. do the business, it is assumed that it is necessary never to never violate an individual right profit as peaceful of the life of the person is impaired.
* 6. Obligation in detective trader when contracting

When the contract is concluded, the detective trader : beforehand.
– It is necessary to receive the delivery of the document to the effect that the result of the survey is not used illegal from the client.
– It is necessary to deliver the document of matters of weight with the contract to the client and to explain.
Then, it is assumed that it is necessary to deliver the document that clarifies the content of the contract to the client after the contract is both concluded.
* 7. Restriction concerning execution of detective business

The restriction concerning the execution of the detective business like the prohibition of the consignment to the people other than the detective trader of the detective business etc. is installed.
* 8. Secret maintenance etc.

– The person engaged in detective trader’s business assumes not to leak the secret of wisdom [ri] person on the business who obtained it.
– The detective trader assumes that he or she should take the preventive measure of an illegal, unjustified use of the material that is made and acquired for the detective business.
* 9. Education

The collection, the inspection, the instruction of the report, the suspension of business instruction, and the business abolition instruction, etc. are done to the detective ..administrative divisions public safety commissioner association.. trader, and necessary penal regulations is installed.
* 10. Equipment of list of names etc.

The detective trader assumes that he or she should equip with the persons engaged list of names by each office, and post the written report certificate in the place in the office that sees easily.
* 11. Supervisor and penal regulations

The collection, the inspection, the instruction of the report, the suspension of business instruction, and the business abolition instruction, etc. are done to the detective ..administrative divisions public safety commissioner association.. trader, and necessary penal regulations is installed.
* 12. Restriction concerning execution of detective business

– The enforcement date is assumed June 1, 2007.
– Three years are assumed to be an object after it enforces it, the enforcement situation and detective trader’s business realities, etc. are considered, and the examination is added, and when it is necessary, it lectures and necessary measures assumes that it is [ra].

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